Datum: 17. – 27. 6. 2023
Kurátorka: PhDr. Kateřina Nora Nováková, Ph.D.
Zahájení výstavy / Vernisáž: without opening ceremony
The museum continues the tradition of the International Jewellery Symposium, which is attended by five renowned authors from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. They create their jewellery on the theme of Computer & Jewellery from metal, glass and plastic semi-finished jewellery in the jewellery workshop of our partner institution’s Jablonec workplace at the Design Department of the FT Technical University in Liberec. We invite you to short lectures on the work of the symposium participants Carolin Denter (D), Mia Čopíková (SK), Kamila Housová-Mizerová, Martin J. Pouzar and Martin Verner about their own jewellery creation. They take place on June 22 from 4 p.m. in the building of the University Gallery N at Jehlářská 14, Jablonec nad Nisou. The created jewellery will be presented as part of the collective exhibition of designer jewellery Computer & Jewellery at the end of this year.